Fotos de gaspard Lebeau

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Visão geral

  • 2 referências
  • Fluente em: English, French; aprendendo: Chinese (Simplified)
  • 24, Masculino
  • Membro desde 2024
  • Student in Management & Marketing / Supply Chain
  • IESEG / ESSCA / Lancaster University
  • De France
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim

Hey there! I'm a 23-year-old student chilling in the awesome city of Paris. I'm all about living life to the fullest, and that means diving into my passions for Kung Fu, Archery, Running, and going on epic solo hikes in cool places like Tibet, China, Scotland, and England.

I'm currently preparing a Road Trip to South America in Brazil, Chile, Bolivia and Colombia for 45 days from 14 April to 28 May 2024 and I'd like to meet some locals! !!

Uni life took me to both China and England, and I loved soaking up different cultures and making some unforgettable connections along the way.

When I'm not out exploring, you'll find me whipping up tasty meals in the kitchen and sharing the love with family and friends. Oh, and I've got this other thing going on—I'm into music and dabble in producing and mixing house/techno with the crew called "La Miff."

Basically, I'm all about sharing experiences, growing, and embracing everything the world throws my way. Trying to be the best version of myself while constantly discovering the wonders out there!

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?

Couchsurfing is my go-to for meeting cool people and creating some awesome memories. It's not just about saving money on accommodations—it's all about diving into different cultures, making real connections, and building memories that stick.

Whether I'm opening up my place or crashing at someone else's spot, it's the chance to soak up stories, learn from others, and get a taste of different ways of living. I'm all about those authentic and enriching travel vibes.

With Couchsurfing, my goal isn't just to check out new places. I'm looking to build real connections with fellow global citizens, creating a sense of community and understanding that goes beyond maps and borders. Let's make the world a bit cozier!


  • hiking
  • sports
  • food
  • nature walks
  • trecking

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

My favorite writers are French: Sylvain Tesson and Bernard Olivier (for travel) , Maupassant and Maxime Chatam for novels Bernard Werber for philosophical tales

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

I almost died in Tibet being chased by a Yak

O Que Posso Compartilhar com Anfitriões

Cooking / Sports / Movies / Experiences / Jokes

Países que Visitei

Austria, China, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Scotland, Spain, Tunisia, United States

Países em que Morei

China, England, France

Registre-se no Couchsurfing para ver o perfil completo de gaspard.